Here are thoughts from just a few coaching Clients.

I am so grateful to have received this awesome coaching to wakening me to the seed I have inside that must be cultivated and develop. Thank you so much for pushing me to this “next place”.

~Jacqueline M., Surgical Tech

It is a great pleasure having a mentor and life coach such as Dr. Khannah Josué. From her consistency and integrity in her tutorship I have become a better man. My heart has been redirected from a state of chaos and confusion into a place of strength and boldness. In January, I will graduate with my Associates Degree; this wouldn’t be possible without the teachings and mentorship of Dr. Josué.

~John, Film Production Major

Wow! I have just moved to another level in my understanding in a decision I needed to make to obtain a certain result that would have taken me another 6 months to discover. Thank you Coach Khannah! ~Gloria L., Cashier

I recently entered a new season and I am still in the baby stages. I was searching for mentors and coaching that will help me embrace life and enable me to experience all that there is to experience at this station. I want to live inside out not outside in. My Pastor usually says, “If you are the smartest one in the group then you need a new group”, so I was looking to build new relationships, counselors, advisers and coaches to help me have good success on this journey. Dr. Josué’s coaching gave all that and more.

~Marlene, CPA

The coaching session with Dr. Khannah Josué has taught me how important choices are. It is vital that all the seeds that have been planted come to fruition and I become who I was created to be.
~Willie May C. US Postal Service

When I first started my sessions was so depressed I over loaded myself with things to do for others to make me feel better about me. Through the coaching sessions and classes I am unloading extra baggage that I have been carrying around and letting others take responsibility for their lives. I feel more confident about myself. It has been hard because I have been in the old mind set for a long time, but it would have been unreachable without type of coaching. The mentorship program has taken my thinking to a new level. It has opened the eyes of my understanding of the potential that is in me.

~Julie, RN