Discover The Divine Revelation Of You! Workshop

Session Date: May 30th - May 31st

Online or On Campus

It's a journey to discover the treasure of the fruitful you through the map of your divine nature". To reach who you are created to be you must be intentional. This class is a primary step in the "Sweep Your Brain" Learning Series. Learn to grow and develop to become person you were created to be! This class promises to be highly informative and interactive, and you will find great value in attending.

“Laws of Life” for Better Living

There are laws that govern life that can bring about good results or hinder your life, your relationships, your career and your greater success. Experience an intensive 2-day workshop packed with empowerment tools and insightful strategies designed to teach YOU laws for better living.

You Must Live A Lifestyle of Success to Succeed Workshop

Lifestyle is defined as the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards and economic level that together to constitute a mode of living. To gain and maintain a certain "lifestyle" you must first learn the culture of that lifestyle. This self-development course will reveal tools and strategies designed to sponsor you into a lifestyle that produces success.

When People Stop Speaking... Death
Takes Place Workshop

Experience an intensive 3-day workshop critical cycle-breaking workshop is packed with empowerment tools that will equip you with insightful strategies how to use the power of speech to get what you want from life, eliminate the fear of speaking and gain more productivity by learning the proper way to communicate so you can connect with your dreams, goals and relationships.

What Are The Things That Are Holding You Back?


Session Date: August 8th - 9th 7pm CST

Online or On Campus 

Do you feel like you are stuck in cycles in your life that are repeating over and over again? If you want lasting change, you've got to do more than hope things will work for you one day. Let’s talk about the things that are truly shaping your reality.

Sweep Your Brain Series:

The 3 Levels Of Your Mind

2-Day Class

Session Date: July 16th  7pm CST


Did you know your mind actually operates across these three levels? Discover the fascinating levels of your mind and how they influence your thoughts, emotions and behaviors to help you live the FULLNESS of life!