Sweep Your Brain Learning Series

Our thoughts, behaviors and habits are largely the result of programmed experiences, both good and bad. These thoughts built by repetition and emotion, provide a framework through which we see and engage with the world around us. This is why it is so critical to DETOX our brains! Neglecting the health and wellness of our “thought life” can cause a lot of pain, reinforcing past traumas and negative thinking patterns. Part of the detoxing process requires understanding what we think, feel, why and how has our past affected us? SWEEP YOUR BRAIN is a “unlearning and relearning” coaching program were practical, foundational principles are provided that will SWEEP and DETOX your conscious and unconscious mind to redirect your thinking into the productive seeds from which you can excel into the fullness of living.

NOW is the time to learn how to understand and use your mind to live your best life. This learning series will provide you with practical & scientific tips and tools to help you take back control over your mental, emotional, and physical health.

As a "mind cultivation companion" to the Sweep Your Brain Learning Series I highly recommend, The School Of Thought "Daily Class For Your Thoughts" Book. This book is created especially for your thought pattern. Your thoughts send signals in your brain and are stored in your subconscious mind until needed for your next decision. The book is also your classroom for your thoughts, that will redirect to words of wisdom that are positive, true, effective, and productive that will cause your neurons to grow new branches, restoring those branches that have been destroyed by negative, falsehood, unwise words and thoughts expressed by yourself and others.